

Autoclave Sterilization Sterilization Machine Medical And Lab

Features of WG vacuum sterilizer
  • The sterilizer software design and manufacturing are conducted according to strict sterilization product technical requirements.
  • Operation authority management has a strict managerial class, including a 3 level management system of the manager, maintainer and operator.
  • The interlock between the manual program, automatic program and sterilizer door opening makes it impossible to open or close the sealed door when the program is running.
  • All alarms and process data can be recorded and printed.
  • If the temperature of the inner chamber exceeds safe levels, it is impossible to open the door, thus guaranteeing the safety.
  • If the inner chamber pressure is greater than set safety pressure levels, the door will not open, also ensuring safety.
  • The operation of this sterilization equipment takes emergency operations into full consideration for abnormal working conditions. This is divided into 4 levels.

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Can plastic be sterilized in autoclave?

Autoclaving Plastic Bottles: Key Considerations

To ensure the safe and effective autoclaving of plastic bottles, consider the following six questions:


Is your plastic bottle suitable for autoclaving?

While some plastic polymers are suitable, such as Polypropylene (PP), Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Polyfluoroalkoxy (PFA), Polymethylpentene (PMP or TPX), and Polycarbonate (PC), others like Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polymethylmethacrylate, Acrylic (PMMA), Polystyrene (PS), and Polyvinylchloride (PVC) are not. Ensure compatibility based on the plastic's temperature stability.


Has the plastic bottle been cleaned beforehand?

 Prior to autoclaving, thorough cleaning is essential to prevent contaminants from adhering to the plastic surface during the process.

Are the caps completely loose?

Ensure that caps are entirely removed before autoclaving to prevent vacuum formation, which can lead to distortion of the plastic bottle. Consider taping the cap to the container neck using autoclave tape for secure attachment during the process.

Is there room for steam to circulate in the autoclave?

Avoid over-stacking to allow effective steam circulation, especially crucial for plastics, which transfer heat more slowly. Adequate spacing between items promotes efficient sterilization, as plastics may take longer to reach sterilization temperatures.

Have you validated your autoclave?

 Regular calibration is essential to confirm the accuracy of the displayed temperature, even though the standard autoclave temperature is 121°C. Consult the machine's specific instructions for accurate cycle times.

Has sterilization been achieved?

Due to the slower heat transfer of plastics, use indicators like autoclave tape or other visual indicators that change appearance or color when exposed to sterilization temperatures. This ensures clarity on the success of the autoclaving process for plastic bottles.